I just ordered the first Blockchain Smartphone – HTC Exodus One – and it was easy

October 14, 2018

Exciting times ahead – In December 2018 I will be a proud recipient of the Brand new HTC Exodus One Smartphone with integrated Blockchain technology.

This is something of a first – a smartphone built for the new Blockchain world and a number of features that I am looking forward to testing

The principles of the phone echo my views on why Blockhain is a revolution:

LET MY DATA GO – From HTCExodus.com

We believe we can rebuild the Internet together by empowering the people to own their own identities, personal data and assets.

Why have someone hold your keys when you have the secure enclave.

We take your crypto assets seriously.

Pushing security with trusted partners.

Some very cool new features to maximize the use of Blockhain technology, now and for the future

It was surprisingly easy to purchase:

Click either Bitcoin or Ethereum – I naturally chose Ethereum

Add to cart and it’s total is 4.78 ETH

Enter your address, Choose the Free shipping, check the Terms and conditions and press PAY

My order is confirmed

Payments details are on the order page with ETH address and QR to make payment

Open your Crypto Wallet (I use Coinbase for quick transactions) and set to pay 4.78 ETH

Payment made from crypto wallet and cost 4 pence!

And finally, most importantly, the confirmation email

Once the phone arrived I will post another update 🙂

#Blockchain #HTCExodus #Cryptocurrency